When Primary teacher Jasmine Ko asked her students to write a report entitled ‘Why you should come to ACG’, she wanted to discover what her Year 4 class enjoyed most about the school.
Her eight and nine-year-old students eagerly tackled the project with their trademark enthusiasm, honesty, humour and charm.
“I have an amazing group of students,” confirms Ms Ko. “They are a respectful and cohesive class, and everyone is highly motivated to learn. I really like how they persevere and show excellence in their work throughout the curriculum.”
Focusing on their favourite things about ACG Parnell Primary, the Year 4 cohort highlighted the support and kindness of their teachers, the extracurricular activities on offer and emphasised the importance of the school’s values. Some even mentioned more unusual benefits, ranging from the comfort of the classroom chairs and the availability of air-conditioning to traffic safety lessons and field trips to the zoo.
We’ve included excerpts from their reports below.
“All ACG students are very well behaved and don’t talk when the teacher tells them not to. The teachers here are all very nice and extremely helpful. Activities and subjects here are really fun and important – that’s why all the students listen well and remember it all.” – Aleesha.
“They tell you a lot of smart stuff that you might not even know before. They have Athletics Day, where you can have a race and some fun, playful games. They also have Cross Country, where you run a little/big marathon. Every class has PE, and in PE, you do a lot of fun activities.” – Ananya.
“The teachers are always kind. They teach students very well. The principal comes every Tuesday to see how everyone is doing. When the principal comes, the children all focus and are happy.”– Robin.
“It’s very easy to make friends and have an awesome time. The teachers are nice as pie, and when you make a mistake, they say, ‘It’s okay, try again’.” – Mateo.
“ACG is a very excellent school because the teachers are very nice and kind. The students always show respect to each other – that’s the school’s value of respect. We have lots of nice values in our school.” – YiFei.
“The teachers in ACG are smart, kind and encouraging. They always help you if they can, but if they don’t, it normally means you can sort the problem out for yourself. They will help you learn new things.” – Jennifer.
“There are heaps of [extracurricular] classes you can book inside the school. Every lesson is always fun, and the principal comes in every week to see how everyone is doing. The teachers always teach the students vital subjects for future lives. You should come to ACG now!!” – Daniel.
“Going to ACG Parnell will help your child loads in reading, maths, art, science and lots more. Kids that go to ACG learn values to use even when they are not in school – maybe in the supermarket.”– Melody.
“ACG is the best school because the teachers are very kind and helpful. ACG gives out homework so the students can practice at home, and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 do tests such as basic facts tests and spelling tests. If you want your child to be very smart, then come to ACG.” – Nathan.
“You should take your child to ACG because they have fun activities that help students learn more. The activities are PE, writing, maths, art, handwriting, science, reading and dance. The [students’] manners are great because, in assembly, the principal always talks about manners and how everyone should act properly.” – Vivian.
“ACG has a huge library with all sorts of picture, comic and chapter books. It has outside breaks at the Auckland Domain with lots of space to run in. There is homework, your own books, school busses to take you home, and it has Kelly Club [after-school care] and sports.” – Eddy.
“At the very end of the year, we have prizegiving, which is basically getting a prize at the end. Not everyone will get one, but you might get one next year. The prizes are for students who are best at numeracy, literacy and the people who showed the [school’s] values all year round.” – Pene.
“There are many reasons that people should come to ACG, and that’s why the school is nearly full. There are great teachers, it [ACG] doesn’t have pressure, we learn new stuff every day, and we learn from fun. It’s all the things I like.” – Alvin.