Middle School - Years 7 to 11

In Middle School, students are taught by specialist teachers in our modern subject-specific learning facilities. Students are offered opportunities to extend their talents or receive extra support.

Developing a broad base

These years form the basis for senior study and qualifications. Work covered previously is consolidated, and new subject areas are developed. The programme is broad-based to develop the diverse skills required for senior-level study.

Homework is set on a regular basis as part of our emphasis on practice, and ongoing assessments are conducted in each subject. School examinations are in terms two and four.

Reports on a student’s progress are provided twice a year, and are supported by parent–teacher interviews, or by phone or email at other times.

Enrichment and extension

Gifted and talented students are extended through a differentiated teaching programme. The opportunity to advance to higher levels in mathematics in Years 9 and 10, and science in Year 10, is available to students who meet pre-requisites. Advanced Year 10 students will have the opportunity to sit Cambridge IGCSE subjects.

Creative and critical thinking

The school’s strong focus on literacy and numeracy skills continues in middle school. Students apply their developing creative and critical thinking skills in writing and speaking, and ICT (Information and Computer Technology) is integrated into most courses.

Year 11 (IGCSE)

At this level, students start specialising in subject areas. With the help of teaching staff, students choose five IGCSE subjects. AS subjects are available if students meet prerequisites.

Learning support

Learning support is a cornerstone of our personalised approach to education.

Senior campus

Year 12 and 13 students study at our pre-university senior campus.

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