Preparing for success

In Years 12 to 13 we continue to offer a challenging curriculum with our Cambridge qualification pathway. 

This unique learning environment for senior students is designed to meet their specific needs in preparation for university study.

We offer an internationally recognised qualification pathway of Cambridge. Senior students are prepared for excellence in their Cambridge examinations and encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning as a way of preparing for further study at university and beyond.

Years 12 to 13 (Cambridge A Level) 

Students studying the Cambridge programme work towards their A Level qualification. An A Level grade is calculated as a combination of a student’s marks from AS Level and A2 Level. AS is a qualification in its own right – your child may stop studying a subject at the end of AS if they wish. A2 denotes the second year of a full A Level course. ACG Parnell College provides a broad range of subject areas, with 23 AS courses and 18 full A Level courses.
Most students at this level take four subjects a year. Year 12 courses usually consist of all AS subjects, while Year 13 courses may include either AS or A2 subjects.


Senior campus

An amazing and vibrant pre-university environment in central Auckland.

College curriculum

All about Cambridge.